Home Loan

Home loan
You must be at least 21 years of age when the loan is sanctioned.
The loan must terminate before or when you turn 65 years of age or before retirement, whichever is earlier.
You must be employed or self-employed with a regular source of income.
Land loan
You must be at least 21 years of age when the loan is sanctioned.
The loan must terminate before or when you turn 65 years of age or before retirement, whichever is earlier.
You must be employed or self-employed with a regular source of income.
You must be purchasing a plot of land for residential use.
The purchase has to be from a development authority or from a registered co-operative society.
The purchase of the land must be for the construction of a house.
The plot of land must be clearly demarcated with clear boundaries.
Office premise loan
You must be at least 21 years of age when the loan is sanctioned.
The loan must terminate before or when you turn 65 years of age.
You must be self-employed with a regular source of income.
The loan can be for the purchase / construction / extension of a non-residential property.
A loan for renovation or improvement will be given only at the time of acquisition of property.
Professionally qualified and self-employed individuals (doctors, pathologists, chartered accountants, cost accountants, company secretaries, architects, engineers, consultants, lawyers, chemists) can apply.
A minimum of 3 year’s work experience is a must.
Home Equity Loans
You must be at least 21 years of age when the loan is sanctioned.
The loan must terminate before or when you turn 65 years of age or before retirement, whichever is earlier.
Your must be employed or self-employed with a regular source of income.
You must be the owner of a self-occupied property.

Personal Loan

It may be easier to get a personal loan from a bank you already have an account with. The bank will probably want to know what you’re going to use the money for and may even have a better loan for your needs. As with any other loan, it’s important to choose personal loans wisely and only borrow what you can afford to repay. You have a set period of time to repay your personal loan. Loan periods are stated in months, e.g. 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60. Longer repayment periods lower your monthly loan repayment, but they also mean you pay more in interest than if you had a shorter repayment period. Your interest rate may also be tied to your repayment period. For example, you may have a lower interest rate with shorter repayment periods. There may be a penalty for paying your loan off early.

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